How Do You Know Your Heart is Healthy?
March 6, 2021
Women, ask yourself: How do I know if my heart is healthy? As a woman and a cardiologist, here is what you need to know, even if you have no symptoms
Mammogram of the Heart
February 5, 2021
What’s your risk of a heart attack? It depends on your CT calcium score. This simple test helps uncover hidden heart issues before they become concerns.
10 Questions Every Woman Should Ask Her Doctor
January 15, 2021
Does an upcoming medical appointment have you worried? Here are 10 women’s health questions to ask your doctor.
As a woman, you should know that historically our health has been neglected, apart from reproductive concerns. Some doctors are not even aware of the differences that exist on risk factors and presentation of some disease in women. You have to be your own advocate. Go to your doctor appointments prepared and ask questions and don’t stop until you get an answer
Lack of Energy?
December 15, 2020
There are many things you can do to alleviate a lack of energy. Five things to try are to have a positive attitude, be physically active, eat a nutritious diet, drink more water, and get more sleep.
Holidays and Heart Disease
November 15, 2020
Here are the top 5 cardiologist-approved tips to reduce stress for heart health during the holidays and heart disease health care. If you’re stressed at this time of year, this article is for you.
Healthy Nuts to Eat for Your Heart
October 15, 2020
Your risk for heart disease changes based on what you eat and how you live. According to one study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, almost half of the cardiometabolic deaths are associated with diet. The factor that contributed to most dietary-related deaths was too much sodium. The second biggest factor was not eating enough nuts and seeds.
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